Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ramadan Secrets

Now you're in on the most secret ingredient of Ramadan... LOL

It's called "Amar El-Deen" it's made of apricot fruit that has been hardened, gelatinized and sweetened. It is used alot as a juice served with breakfast and Ramadan dessert just like Jelly. Decorate your dish with yummy raisins, coconut, crushed almonds and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

In order to serve this wonderful juice u need to soak a packet for 6 hours in a jug in water until it softens and vigorously stir it every few hours making a nice thick cup of Amar El-Deen. It's really sweet and healthy after fasting because your blood sugar drops during ur fast. This juice with its sugar content and fruit helps boost ur blood sugar a bit and gives u that extra energy to help clear the tables. LOL

Yesterday at the Masjid (Mosque) during the taraweeh prayer, the Imam finished the third section of the Qura'an which means Surat Al-Baqara has ended and 'Al-Emran has begun... Simply wonderful! I actually love praying in the Masjid's garden, they open it for prayers during Ramadan only and Eid. Just when you think the weather is getting a little hot, Allah sends a quiet cold breeze to help us through...
Subhan Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful...
اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فعفو عنا


Yosra said...

Asalamalaykom & Ramadan Kareem,

Yep! I agree! I'm going to be soaking mine tomorrow.

I gave some to my (non-Arab) dad last year and he ate it like fruit leather! LOL!


John Mullis said...

Ramadan Kareem Sara,

You do put a rather yummie slant on Ramadan, I'm still looking for half decent dates! . . . LOL

I envy you the communal expression of Ramadan, maybe next year I will do it in Cairo. A dash of cultural color eh?

Sara said...

LOL Just helping everyone visualize Ramadan culture in Egypt, it's different everywhere and in every country, but always a memorable experience :)