Friday, March 9, 2007


Sniff... Sniff... Achouuuuuuu... Cough... No people I'm not better yet! And right now I'm on antibiotics, paracetamol, antihistaminics and always asleep and still my flu hasnt cleared up. Please pray for me because I really dont have time for this; an exam coming up on Sunday with I absolutely must study for and my fiance and his family are coming for dinner tomorrow night and I have to cook from the very morning...


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I've got the Flu

Today I woke up all confused with hammering in my head, a sore throat and stuffy nose... The worst feeling ever, especially, if u're waking up to a full day at college and must attend... And my dad is yelling because now that I got the energy to go, I cant. The driver has his hands full because some technicians are going to do some work here. Too tired to find out why exactly they are here. Anyways, I'll blog again when I'm better.


Monday, March 5, 2007

A Hectic Day

Today I was so frustrated with my fiance!!!! I dont believe this... How could he dare? I lost it and had this huge fight with him... He says he met a friend of his and asked him who did he engage? and he was like she's a pharmacy student and told him my name... Then his friend says he knows me because I talk to boys alot... I was like---- Oh my God!! How could u call him a friend if he says that about me? If I wasnt respectful, then why did he engage and propose in the first place? It turns out that my fiance doesnt even have any doubts about me at all, but, just wanted to tell me what went on... So, I'm with him on the phone on the verge of crying because those words were so cruel and truthless... and he apologizes and says sorry and that he was just speaking his mind and he's very pressured at work... I decided to forgive him and invited him for dinner at home (I cooked, YAY!) and it tasted yummy too. Here is what I made:

-Chicken Emance with mushroom

-Lesan Asfour soup (Bird's tongue soup)

-Basmati White Indian Rice

-Cole Slaw Salad

-Swiss Potato Salad

-Saute Vegetables

-Beet Root Salad

For Dessert: Swiss Sweet Carrots with almonds and raisins.

Of course, he was very tired to come for dinner after a hectic day at work. But, it was a nice and yummy dinner!

Let's Start at the very Begining

For all the kindness in ur heart,

It all began from the very start,

an innocent child from inside,

with a smile so wide,

and love was in place,

now (enshaa Allah), it's meant to be,

coz Sweety, u're now with me...

This poem dated: 18/12/2006 is the truth of what our (fiance and I) first meeting was like. However, dont be taken in that it was all that romantic it was actually very professional from my side because I was just a pharmacy student at a summer training and he was our trainer. Yes, we are the same profession. Many times he acted funny and all my friends would say this guy will propose to u... I didnt believe them. It was too much for me to bear at the moment. Just wanted to get this week over with...

It did get over with, and I was happy to be relaxing at home while waiting for school to start, but, then he did propose!!!! He directly spoke to my father about it and I didnt even know!!! (This is considered a very brave action and fathers love it when they are spoke to first) Anyways, dont get me wrong, it wasn't all barbie world after that. There was alot to talk about with my father, such as the house wer'r going to live in, dowry, engagement rings and lots more. In fact, it was a very tough time and lasted months but in the end they agreed on certain terms and it was done.

What were the main problems??? There is an amount of money to be paid to a woman if she is married and her husband divorces her (mo'akhar). The worst thing of all, is that u experience your father-in-law actually wanting to lower the sum!!! I was like... Oh my God? What is he talking about? It's not even something he would intend to pay!!! But problems do happen and it did pass in the end, Thank God!

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Assalam Alykom everyone, (Peace on all)

I'm one of the people who enter the blogger world, because I really just need to vent my everyday whirlwinds, even if it may seem that I'm talking to myself. To begin with, I'm an Egyptian girl (yes, I'm Muslim) , a pharmacy student and I proudly wear my hijab after a self-convincing session with myself. I'm not very good at talking about myself much, nevertheless, I'm really looking forward for friendship, sistership and advice from everyone.

At the moment, I've been engaged for about 2 weeks, so, I'm really new in the world of relationships, even though I'm willing to learn from past experiences, yet, I believe that each and everyone is a special case and no one can tell u exactly what and what not to do.

Studies, in-laws, future work, family and friends are my main thoughts at the moment and I try to give each issue it's proper thinking, but all is up to Allah.

In the future, I'll be posting what is going on with me and I'm waiting for everyone's thoughts and care.

Thanks for everything.

(I hope I'm not this shy writing next time)