Saturday, December 29, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Kunafa means alot to Arab people, a special dessert, to be served everyday in Ramadan after breakfast. You can have them crunchy and round or soft and flat, there's actually lots and lots of shapes and sizes. Of course, Kunafa is served with a cup of tea with or without cream/milk. It is absolutely a must-have in any Ramadan visit to relatives or friends.

You buy the dough from the supermarket and mix it with some corn oil very well and spread it at the bottom of a oiled cake pan, in the middle you add a mixture of walnuts, raisins, coconut shreds mixed with sugar. Then, you add the top layer of kunafa dough and press down on it well. Now you can put it on the stove and keep checking the bottom layer until it's golden yellow and flip the cake pan over making the top layer at the bottom and wait till it turns golden yellow.

Of course, before all that you make the honey by mixing 2 ups of sugar with almost one cup of water and leave them on the stove to boil and thicken and voila! your kunafa's honey is ready.

Add a cup of honey to the kunafa and leave it for a while, then ur kunafa is ready to be served with a cup of tea. LOL... Yummy!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Ramadan Secrets

Now you're in on the most secret ingredient of Ramadan... LOL

It's called "Amar El-Deen" it's made of apricot fruit that has been hardened, gelatinized and sweetened. It is used alot as a juice served with breakfast and Ramadan dessert just like Jelly. Decorate your dish with yummy raisins, coconut, crushed almonds and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

In order to serve this wonderful juice u need to soak a packet for 6 hours in a jug in water until it softens and vigorously stir it every few hours making a nice thick cup of Amar El-Deen. It's really sweet and healthy after fasting because your blood sugar drops during ur fast. This juice with its sugar content and fruit helps boost ur blood sugar a bit and gives u that extra energy to help clear the tables. LOL

Yesterday at the Masjid (Mosque) during the taraweeh prayer, the Imam finished the third section of the Qura'an which means Surat Al-Baqara has ended and 'Al-Emran has begun... Simply wonderful! I actually love praying in the Masjid's garden, they open it for prayers during Ramadan only and Eid. Just when you think the weather is getting a little hot, Allah sends a quiet cold breeze to help us through...
Subhan Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful...
اللهم إنك عفو تحب العفو فعفو عنا

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Ramadan Kareem...

I am an Egyptian, an Arab, Muslim Egyptian Arab and I thank Allah everyday for who I am and for what He has made me... So as an Arab Muslim in Ramadan, here comes all the culture and religious occurings that go on around here... Everyday an interesting ingredient, awkward situations, prayers, sohoor (dinner in the early a.m. hours of the morning) and fajr time... Never, never a dull moment...

The most interesting and vital component of the Ramadan diet: Dates.

Whether u prefer them soft and moist, soft and dry or the dry hard ones... Each and every one has a distinct taste and flavour, whichever u prefer is your choice but it is absolutely mandatory in Ramadan to break your fast on (at least) one date, as was done by our Habeeb Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him).

How do u prefer ur dates??? U may pop one in ur mouth, pray maghreb and move on to the main course?? Or perhaps u would prefer to try the dates soaked with dry figs in apricot juice(originally in Egypt, called "Khofash"??? Too sweet for you? Ok, then... a sunnah power drink of milk and dates would be to ur liking?

It's really very simple to please Allah, just by thinking what we eat and try to follow the Sunnah as much as we can... Subhan Allah. It's very simple and yummy too.

Today was the first Ramadan prayers called the "taraweeh"... What does taraweeh really mean?? The first thing that comes to my mind is that it is a way to ease stress off your soul. Standing there for almost 2 hours and a half, pleading, repenting, listening to the verses "ayat" of the Qura'an one by one going through your head, body and soul. Yes, that is good for our soul; Soul Food... It's time to stop feeding your body and start feeding your soul...

Ya Allah we are listening, we are hearing Your words teaching us the ways of life, the way a Muslim must live in order to better ourselves and our families with Your guidance...

We stand there in the night, bearing with our cramps and body pain, in the cold weather if it's winter or in the heat if it's summer... The most important issue is Your blessing, Your Forgiveness, Your Gifts that You give us to help us through...

Ya Allah, ya rab please accept our repenting and allow us into Heaven... Truly, this world is not a very nice place, but we are doing our best...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Assalam Alaikum All (AAA)

Have you ever felt disappointed in someone? I mean, you never really FEEL disappointed in someone unless he/she is someone u really care/cared about. Or else, why do u care enough to be disappointed? However, today is not a day to mingle about negative thoughts and negative energy. Yes, I have suffered an immense amount of negative emotional energy a while ago, but not anymore. Ramadan is here. Ramadan is right around the corner and I cant wait to embrace the month of forgiveness, faith and last but not least, fasting. I will embrace the most sacred month of the year and will do my best at the taraweeh prayers at the masjid everyday...

Now, let me tell u someone I wont be disappointed in:


I will not be disappointed in myself, prayers and Qura'an will restore tranquility and peacefulness to my soul again.

Allah will help me, I know He will... He always does...

Free yourself of the blame, dont carry the weight of negative energy... Let bygones be bygones, and






It's not worth it, and forgiveness is worth asking for from The One and Only.

So, just let yourself go to the spirit of Ramadan, get appointed not disappointed...

Sunday, September 2, 2007

School Syndrome...

Today my Lil sister returns to school, and not just any school. It's new. She switched schools this year and today was her first day at her new school and our whole household was excited yet worried that she wouldn't fit in. However, elhamdulilah for answering our prayers she was back from a long day, a bit worn off and tired but nonetheless, smiling and excited about the new change.

You see, in Egypt, when a school is called "International" there may not be anything "International" about it, inversely, the whole system could be run by foreigners and declare that they teach the best curriculum in the country but they don't. The teachers are Egyptian, who actually pick on the kids and mistreat them because they are just kids who can afford an International school (exactly what happened in her previous school). Thanks Allah, after a lot of looking, searching and reading about gazillion schools we made a sound a decision and Inshaa Allah I hope it's benefits will be seen on my beloved little sister in the near future...

Ya rab, You are the One we must always thank when something good or bad happens to us because we are not judges of Your fate upon us... To You we submit our faith and love and worldly matters which we do not know anything about, all we do is pray and Inshaa Allah with Your will nothing bad will harm us, and nothing will affect us except what You have written for us. Subhan Allah, You are the only One.


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Something Must be Wrong!

Something must be wrong with me

with all this hurt inside,

always bursting with anger,

and never any pride.

Something must be wrong with me

if all I do is cry,

I can't stop this pain

all I want to do is die.

Something must be wrong with me

if my emotions run wild,

all this confusion does

is make me feel like a lost child.

Something must be wrong with me

with all these terrible things,

always there and never gone

depression is what it brings.

Something must be wrong with me

if I can't stop these thoughts,

all this pain doesis turn my stomach in knots.

Something is truly wrong with me

when I think there's only one way out,

"Let this pain end,"

is all my heart will shout.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Peace of Mind, Peace of Heart...

I was really avoiding writing anything about this issue, I just wanted to pretend like this never happened and that this chapter of my life was never really there... Why do I need to write about it? Why don't I just change the "about me" column on my blog and its over with? I chose not to... It's better for me to vent and blow off smoke on my blog, afterall, that's what friends are for...

I saw the signs and symptoms but I chose to make excuses and ignore them, saying to myself " Why don't I give him the benefit of the doubt?" "His explanation seems logical" and so on. Naive? A fool? Too kind? I dunno. However, I could not take it anymore. Thanks Allah, that I am the kind of person who always tells my parents about everything, I explain to them every problem I encounter with my ex-fiance. Yes, ex. I did decide to break off the engagement... How can I live with a man with such habits? An insensitive, miser, nit-picker?? I cant handle it... I don't care how many months it has been, I never really felt like I was a fiancee to be cherished and loved and respected... Just when I get a feeling of accomplishment, BANG! "It's not that great", u know how it goes. People say that engagement is the most romantic and peaceful time of a couple's life. It wasn't for me. Most of it arguing, (him) nit-picking about every single thing, and his mom treating me very unpleasantly for no reason at all.

I'm glad it's over, I feel so relieved right now, I don't know why I didn't do it sooner "Better late, than NEVER!". At least this way, I get to keep my heart and soul intact of the very special person Allah sends along for me. I am grateful to Allah for saving me from a doomed relationship and God Willing I'm sure that Allah holds someone better for me in the future... Inshaa Allah...

Friday, June 22, 2007

Just Graduated!!!

Yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy!!! Graduation is soooo fun, especially that I'm unemployed now LOL...
Should begin to pursue my career LOL.... Enshaa Allah.


The lump I've been telling u about: miraculously, it went down on its own, maybe it was due to stress or something... Allah knows. What matters is that Im better now, and I deserve a break LOL.

C u all l8r :)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Lump Thump Bump...

Today is officially the day before I graduate from college... Happy day, huh? I am. And I feel tomorrow the excitement will be intoxicating, but, hey!! Dont blame me for being tired after 2 months and a half of being drained of ur energy and health. Im practically unhealthy right now, I ate junk whenever I felt like it because I dont feel like preparing something healthy...

Tomorrow, same time, Ill be done with college and glad...

I do believe that we are supposed to take each phase as it comes and do our best: school, college, work, being a kid, a teen or an adult...

There's no need to cry because a certain phase has ended because many phases are coming and many will end... Girls at college are going to sob and cry because they'll miss each other, they can still be in contact and remain friends. Im sad too but I wont cry, I've suffered too much so enshaa Allah the next phase will be better.


Yesterday, I woke up and felt pain in a specific spot behind my ear, I felt a small lump which hurts a bit. Prolly a lymph node infection or something, that will have to wait until I've graduated LOL. Enshaa Allah I just want to do well in the exam and then I'll go to the doctor.

Ya rab, Ill try to be the best muslim I can in every phase and try to be a good role model of the manners and ethics of Islam... I hope I can do it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Was it worth the tears you cried?

The summer sun has come to stay Bikinis, tans, outrageous legs

They're all retarded and they all look the same

And Barbie's body's melting down

On her face a big fat frown

Because "Mr. Cellulite" just moved into town

Well me and B, we hate supermodels

It's not that we know anyone personally

It's just that I'm tired of being compared

The boys they come here

With expectations for the summer

And I refuse to take any part of this barbaric ritual

Because God has given me a mind

That I will use from time to time

And I got more on my head that what's made by Paul Mitchell

Well me and B, we hate supermodels

It's not that we know anyone personally

It's just that I'm tired of being compared

Was it worth the tears you cried to fit the size?

Think it over once or twice

What lasts the longest in this life

Character or rock hard thighs

And in the end do you believe that

beauty lies in what you see

Because if you do then baby

You've been deceived

Oh My God!!! This song is soooo true... I especially feel the last paragraph it's amazing...

I mean I go to the beach, I love the crystal clear ocean, I love the wind that breezes on my face but everywhere i look there are ridiculously naked women who just think they look great showing it off like that.

Well, hey!!! Just because I'm a muslim in hijab doesnt mean I cant enjoy the beach too, but I do so with my integrity and character intact, it's not wounded and cut with men's eyes literally putting a hole through my body. Thanks Allah for making me the way I am... I DONT want to be like them

I have cried the tears before not because Im fat, but because humans are soo greedy they want MORE of everything we are never satisfied with what he have and just say "It could have been worse". So why not be satisfied right now???

That said: I just feel that "little means more" (little that is soo good for us is better than lots and lots that we jus cant feel what we have anymore)

"Elhamdulilah, Thanks God, for every little and big thing we are blessed with everyday"

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Im pleading guilty... I made a mistake... I made a promise (ahd) with Allah and I didnt keep it

I more or less do it on and off and now I hate myself and dont know what to do

But this time I SWEAR it wont happen again... and I will not let everyday forgetful stresses take a toll on me and pull me down... That's just not going to happen again... EVER

I may have a problem now, but problems dont last forever and then do get solved

So why do I take out on myself??? I wont... Enshaa Allah I wont... God Willing this will not happen again

Please God forgive me and dont ounish me for what I've done to myself you are the Most Gracious and Most Divine help me help myself Ya rab...

Estaghferallah El3azeem

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Peace of Allah

by Ziad bin Ghulam

Trying to sleep but my eyes open wide

With voices whispering from every side
Battles in my mind and nowhere to hide
a futile resistance against the rising tide

Thought after thought taunting my soul
As this constant barrage takes its toll
Eating away slowly now a gaping hole
My mind going crazy and out of control

I search frantically and fail in despair
For something elusive which was always there
Something tossed away without a care
its prolonged absence I can no longer bear

Peace of mind I no longer possess,
A nightmarish life I must confess
So much hardships and so much stress
A constant companion is pain and distress

Tossing and turning all night long
miserable and sad -everything is wrong
what is life? and where do I belong?
Millions of questions and all answers gone

My heart is riddled with grief and sorrow
And with these thoughts my tears flow
All hope lost my heart sinks low
Without a care what happens tomorrow

Finely balanced on the edge of a knife
I see the stranger who lives my life
an emotionless tyrant causing havoc and strife
A corrupted soul where ignorance is rife

My whole world is hypocrisy and lies
And no more goodness do I recognize
Everything I possess I begin to despise
And this voice inside, I hear its cries

Of a promise made before the days of old
In a meeting with my lord - I am told
That forever in my heart, tawheed I would hold
A promise broken for a miserable price sold

This murmuring voice so long ignored
To delay it further, I can not afford
So this mission of truth, I have taken aboard
With conviction my shield and truth my sword

An uphill struggle an eternal fight
Battle-lines drawn between wrong and right
Returning to my lord, I head for the light
Submerged in Salah is my only respite

Lifting my hands to my lord I pray
let ignorance go and let faith stay

Through your mercy show me the way
Give me guidance so that I can obey

With an open heart I read the Quran
I discover my Creator's will and plan
Word of my Lord, a guidance for man
Missing pieces restored now I am one

Content and happy, no more tears to weep
Content and happy, I fall asleep
Peace and happiness with faith running deep
Peace and happiness - forever to keep

Friday, June 1, 2007

Just finished exam #4 or #5 dont remember actually. Maybe my brain is getting cramped from all of this, can't blame the poor thing... lol

On one of our so called "Projects" the assignment was to visit a governmental hospital with a survey about about hypertensive people (people suffering from high blood pressure), and ask about what drugs their using, whether they've experienced any side effects and so on. So, my sister, a friend M. and I decide we will do this assignment genuinely (i.e. not make up names and create drugs taken). We didnt want to cheat, how hard could it be?? I mean enter hospital, talk to 5 patients 5 minutes each and leave... Piece of cake...

We went to the hospital and got lost for a bit until we found the cardiovascular ward and scatter for each one of us to talk to someone, here's how it went:

"Good Morning, could I ask u a few questions about your hypertension?"

"Why? Are u a college student? Is this some kind of assignment?" (Very Skeptic)

"Yes I'm a Pharmacy Student, and it is an assignment we'll get marks for it so I'd really appreciate it if u help me"

"Ok. Ur like a daughter to me. Ill help U."

(I ask a few questions but then he gets offpoint and gets into his personal life)

"I hate having girls (he has 2 daughters) they are very bad people and treat me very bad. one of them got divorced and married another man. And though she works she still takes money from me. What am I supposed to do? I HATE THEM! I DO!! (he spat)"

I was very sorry to hear a frustrated man complain about his daughters who are supposed to be the apple of his eye. On top of that, he hates them... he really said that with detest.

"I'm sure they dont mean anything. But, we're 3 daughters and our father doesnt hate us."

"U look like a very well-bred girl I dont think u would do that to your father"

(and then I would try to get back to the questionnaire)

It was truly a humane experience but we still had fun and learned alot too.

Monday, May 28, 2007

I love BLOGging

I really do love blogging even if nobody comments about what I wrote, but then again I love chemistry and pharmacy too. But, somehow, I feel that I BLOG for me, to get out what I want out, to discuss issues with myself, to be a reference about previous ideas and thoughts.

So, simply, I love to blog for me, I think it's good for my soul; however, for the past couple of weeks I suffering from a terrible syndrome that involuntarily keeps me away from my computer and similarily most elecrtical devices; "The FINAL Exams Syndrome".

So please forgive me for my belatedness and then "HURRAAAAAHHHHH!!" Ill be graduated from education for good...
(Featured above, is the weird stuff we study lol)

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

This man is so dedicated to Islam and muslims, every year he conducts a theme for his show to talk about certain islamic living topics that all muslims are not focused on and brings it to us on a silver platter.

Here it is, the simple rules to try and commit and dedicate our lives and ourselves to Allah.

Teaching us about the ways our Prophet SAW lived his life and how must try ur best to follow him (SAW).

He really deserves to be one of the TIME'S 100 Most Influential People in the World

I need to get out of facebook and put my face in a book

Oh my!! That is sooo trueee!!! But I can't help it... I'm too addicted. All my friends are on facebook, u can upload whatever pics about whatever events happened lately and still keep them private and limited for certain people...

Try it here.

Yeppie Yay Yeppie Yoo, I shall stick up for myself when Time's Ado

Yes. I did it. I let my temper get the better of me, but Thank Allah it didnt end ugly.

Here's what happened:

Our college has an annual system, that everyone who got good grades from A to B as their (total grade) get money as a reward. This is government's money. So the man who is supposed to collect people IDs and give them the money is a TOTAL JERK. I mean it. The safe is open from 2.30 - 4.30 pm and at 4.00 when my sister (and other almost 8 people) wanted to collect their money decided in a very, very ill-mannered way that he was tired and wanted to leave...

"WHAT??? We have an exam in 4 days and no time to come back! U WILL GIVE THESE PEOPLE THEIR REWARD!!!!"

Yep, that was me speaking or rather, shouting at that employee.

"U cannot talk to me like that. (Crash, he threw his logbook) and %#$*&@#$%"

As I said he is very ill-mannered and rude.

Me: "If they dont get their reward I will literally go to the dean about this."

Him: "I wont give a damn even if the dean is your father! He can't do anything to me ya benty (Daughter!) Let's go and show me what he will do to me!!"

Me: "Benty?? I am not your daughter!! Don't call me ya benty!!"

At this time, he is extremely shocked at my words; as if I would rather die than be called his daughter... So now he is boiling and crashing things again and in a second he was out the door, and screaming his head off. People are all watching this scene and my sister was trying to get me to shut up, but, I wont.

He is heading my way right now:




Apparently, my sister managed to put herself right infront of me, completely blocking my view and blocking the man from seeing me. My lovely patriotic sister got the conception that he was coming to hit me; so she actually intimidated him by shouting at him that way. And he backed off. Back to his dark, ugly room that is very much like himself.

And off we go to complain him to the assistant Dean, she calls him, and tells him u must give these people their reward.

They do get their reward and everyone is happy, except, HIM who kept looking for me for days after because, maybe, I was the only one who WILL NOT and SHALL NOT have to deal with this ill-mannered attitude.

Fact is, he is a taxi-driver and was eager to leave to work on his taxi. Hard-working students should not be victims of his mood though.

Conclusion: All's well that ends well...

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Family and Inlaws...

LOLOLOL... My sister is blogging and so am I and neither of us knows that the other is blogging. Complex, right? But I found out first! I was just looking up at some bloggers stated in our "Favorites" menu and suddenly I see a very similar name, the kind of words my sister would use... I click on it and boom! There I am; into my sister's blog. Don't get me wrong my sister and I are very very very close and never keep secrets from each other but sometimes u long for a secret to hide even if it isn't anything really. I love my sister we are very much alike and both have almost the same ambitions to strive for. Everything I blog about she already knows and what I've seen on her blog I already know... LOL. Cool huh?

Elhamdulilah for family bonding...


Our results for some subjects showed up today on our faculty's site and most of the people I know did great:

I got 1 A and 2 B+'s

My sister: 1 A 1B+ and 1 B

My fiance's sister (share the same faculty and year): 1B+ , 1B, 1 C

This is the scenario that happens: She finds out her results and starts crying very hard and my sister and I get a fright; we thought she flunked or something... so we are confused; she didnt fail any subjects so why is she crying???? Apparently, she doesnt approve of her grades and says she deserves better. But we are supposed to thank Allah in all cases whether its good news or not and enshaa Allah, He will give us more... But how can He give us more if we dont thank Allah?

Alhamdulilah for everything... May Allah do what is right for us all enshaa Allah...

Friday, April 27, 2007

Here it is...

I do admit I went ballistic on him yesterday. I don't know if it deserved it or not. Anyhow, I told my dad to be the judge, so, I sat down and told him everything: What he said, what I said etc... So my dad decided to meet up with him and discuss what is proper and what isn't and apparently they came to terms. My fiance' understood my dad's point of view, I hope he truly comprehends what upset me yesterday.

So, he called me up after they were finished and told me what they talked about and that my dad helped understand a few proper issues of how to deal with ur fiance.

Thanks Allah for everything. Elhamdulilah that You are very close to us and hear our every prayer. Thanks for answering my prayer. Ya Allah, to whom do we go to in our great need if we dont come to Your door. Elhamdulilah.

Ya Allah...

"I'm shocked... devastated... I don't believe what u did yesterday... And then u say I'M OVER-REACTING??? HOW DARE YOU??? Instead of apologizing, u just sat there... smiling disbelievingly... Yes. My mood did change in less than a millisecond. I am a woman with an over-complexed set of feelings and measures of what hurts and what doesnt, so different than ur own measures... Because ur a MAN! And then u say 'what i said doesnt really deserve all that' Well, in ur dictionary it doesnt but in mine it does. "

"Hey, Sara, is it ok with u if I go see my friends for an hour? and be back?"

Oh my God!! Ya Allah!! I dont believe what u just said??? come again??? 1 hour??? And I'm just supposed to sit there at the club waiting for 'ur majesty' to get back??

Is this a relationship? Is this how a man is supposed to treat his fiance'? It must've been a bad dream? A nightmare? Reality-check, it's true! Yes. He did do what I think he did. He preferred to be with his friends at that moment than me. U may ask how many times do u see each other? Once a week is the answer, for a few hours... But now it's 2 hours because yesterday I was dumb-founded with the question... It's ok to cancel our appointment if u have other arrangements... I totally dont mind... But dont just do what u did... It's too hurtful...

Please Allah, Merciful Allah, forgive me for my sins what I meant to do and what I didnt... Ya Allah, lead me to the right way, You are the Most-Gracious. Astaghferallah el Azeem, to you I repent...

I dont know what to do anymore.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

He Wishes For The Clothes Of Heaven

Had I the heaven's embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor,
have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

William Butler Yeats

This is my all-time favorite poem... I just shiver whenever I recall it or read it, I just wish I can experience the feeling of the receiving end... As if he's willing to sacrifice of whatever he owns (little as it is) for her sake.
Isn't it divine?

Just Blowing Smoke...


A long day... How long does it take to take a practical exam??? Guess it??? 1 hour? 2 hours? Actually, 6 hours!!!! Pathetic, huh? Well, I hope our efforts bear fruit, though.


Tensions are high, as a result of stressful finals coming up! I hope I graduate in one piece... Fighting with my sister (20 years old) over something stupidddddddddd... Actually, she started it and keeps on getting on my nerves!!!! Kids, right? LOL...


Friday, April 13, 2007

Before hectic exams

Assalam Alaikum Everyone,

I had a great time at "Ein El Sokhna" and of course had time to follow our Egyptian Culture especially on Easter Day as it is custom to colour eggs and eat various types of fish called "Ringa" (smoked fish), "Feseekh" (salted fish) and "Sardines" which is probably smoked too. My aunt, her husband, son, and 2 daughters joined us there and we all had the wildest time. On our last day in our village, my fiance came all the way from Cairo and spent the whole day with my family and I. We all traveled completely exhausted that day... Yay!

Of course I couldn't resist the lovely blue, clear ocean of "The Hot Eye" and my whole family took the decision to take a dip into the sea. All the women wore the Hijab Swimming Suit which really doesnt show anything and u can have fun as much as u like with ur family. But of course ur body wont get tanned, only ur face and hands... lol!

I got u some pictures to check out:

They can be tight like the one above, or loose like the one below:

Friday, April 6, 2007

A Trip

Assalam Alaikum All,

I know I havent been posting anything lately but my psychology wasnt up to it...
So here I am, in the middle of Easter Holidays, my academic life is swarming with exams and studies waiting to be done, and the best thing of all; is that I'm totally ignoring all that and jumping away to "Ein El Sokhna" (The Hot Eye). I have no idea of its exact location but I do know that it is a little before "Sewiss"... Talk about having FUN!!! I'm just going to enjoy the sun, beach, peaceful night and have lots of exercise... And the most important thing of all is "Company" which is going to be a blast with my family, and my aunt coming with her family and a small possibility that my fiance can visit us there (But cant sleepover, of course!). Talk about all the advantages, "Ein El Sokhna" is not far from Cairo just 1 hour and a half away so, when we get there we're not exhausted, there's lots of energy to have fun :)
I'm looking forward to enjoying my Easter holiday and I promise to post u some real pics when I get back...

Friday, March 9, 2007


Sniff... Sniff... Achouuuuuuu... Cough... No people I'm not better yet! And right now I'm on antibiotics, paracetamol, antihistaminics and always asleep and still my flu hasnt cleared up. Please pray for me because I really dont have time for this; an exam coming up on Sunday with I absolutely must study for and my fiance and his family are coming for dinner tomorrow night and I have to cook from the very morning...


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I've got the Flu

Today I woke up all confused with hammering in my head, a sore throat and stuffy nose... The worst feeling ever, especially, if u're waking up to a full day at college and must attend... And my dad is yelling because now that I got the energy to go, I cant. The driver has his hands full because some technicians are going to do some work here. Too tired to find out why exactly they are here. Anyways, I'll blog again when I'm better.


Monday, March 5, 2007

A Hectic Day

Today I was so frustrated with my fiance!!!! I dont believe this... How could he dare? I lost it and had this huge fight with him... He says he met a friend of his and asked him who did he engage? and he was like she's a pharmacy student and told him my name... Then his friend says he knows me because I talk to boys alot... I was like---- Oh my God!! How could u call him a friend if he says that about me? If I wasnt respectful, then why did he engage and propose in the first place? It turns out that my fiance doesnt even have any doubts about me at all, but, just wanted to tell me what went on... So, I'm with him on the phone on the verge of crying because those words were so cruel and truthless... and he apologizes and says sorry and that he was just speaking his mind and he's very pressured at work... I decided to forgive him and invited him for dinner at home (I cooked, YAY!) and it tasted yummy too. Here is what I made:

-Chicken Emance with mushroom

-Lesan Asfour soup (Bird's tongue soup)

-Basmati White Indian Rice

-Cole Slaw Salad

-Swiss Potato Salad

-Saute Vegetables

-Beet Root Salad

For Dessert: Swiss Sweet Carrots with almonds and raisins.

Of course, he was very tired to come for dinner after a hectic day at work. But, it was a nice and yummy dinner!

Let's Start at the very Begining

For all the kindness in ur heart,

It all began from the very start,

an innocent child from inside,

with a smile so wide,

and love was in place,

now (enshaa Allah), it's meant to be,

coz Sweety, u're now with me...

This poem dated: 18/12/2006 is the truth of what our (fiance and I) first meeting was like. However, dont be taken in that it was all that romantic it was actually very professional from my side because I was just a pharmacy student at a summer training and he was our trainer. Yes, we are the same profession. Many times he acted funny and all my friends would say this guy will propose to u... I didnt believe them. It was too much for me to bear at the moment. Just wanted to get this week over with...

It did get over with, and I was happy to be relaxing at home while waiting for school to start, but, then he did propose!!!! He directly spoke to my father about it and I didnt even know!!! (This is considered a very brave action and fathers love it when they are spoke to first) Anyways, dont get me wrong, it wasn't all barbie world after that. There was alot to talk about with my father, such as the house wer'r going to live in, dowry, engagement rings and lots more. In fact, it was a very tough time and lasted months but in the end they agreed on certain terms and it was done.

What were the main problems??? There is an amount of money to be paid to a woman if she is married and her husband divorces her (mo'akhar). The worst thing of all, is that u experience your father-in-law actually wanting to lower the sum!!! I was like... Oh my God? What is he talking about? It's not even something he would intend to pay!!! But problems do happen and it did pass in the end, Thank God!

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Assalam Alykom everyone, (Peace on all)

I'm one of the people who enter the blogger world, because I really just need to vent my everyday whirlwinds, even if it may seem that I'm talking to myself. To begin with, I'm an Egyptian girl (yes, I'm Muslim) , a pharmacy student and I proudly wear my hijab after a self-convincing session with myself. I'm not very good at talking about myself much, nevertheless, I'm really looking forward for friendship, sistership and advice from everyone.

At the moment, I've been engaged for about 2 weeks, so, I'm really new in the world of relationships, even though I'm willing to learn from past experiences, yet, I believe that each and everyone is a special case and no one can tell u exactly what and what not to do.

Studies, in-laws, future work, family and friends are my main thoughts at the moment and I try to give each issue it's proper thinking, but all is up to Allah.

In the future, I'll be posting what is going on with me and I'm waiting for everyone's thoughts and care.

Thanks for everything.

(I hope I'm not this shy writing next time)